
Mohs Surgery

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. There are many ways of treating skin cancer, but surgery gives the highest cure rate.

Surgical ways of treating skin cancer include what is called a standard excision and Mohs surgery.

Most dermatologists and plastic surgeons perform standard excisions to treat skin cancer. This requires taking the skin cancer and an area of 4 mm around the skin cancer to be able to obtain a cure rate of 95 to 97%. For many areas, this is an excellent way of treating skin cancer.

However, in areas that are sensitive such as the face, eyelids, nose, mouth, ears, scalp, hands, feet, fingers, toes, lower legs and genitalia, Mohs micrographic surgery is ideal. That is due to the fact that with the Mohs procedure, one can give the highest cure rate out of all treatments, while taking the least amount of normal skin. This allows us to provide both a cure rate between 97 and 99% and the smallest wound possible to allow for faster healing and a smaller scar.

For more information on Mohs surgery, please go to the following link:

Mohs surgery was invented by Frederic Mohs. He was a surgeon originally from Wisconsin who invented this technique. Here you can read more about the history of Mohs surgery and Dr. Mohs.

While Mohs surgery allows us to give the highest cure rate and smallest wound, not many persons are trained in Mohs surgery.

However, you can be rest assured that you are in the best hands while seeing Dr. Liliana Saap for treatment. She is a board certified dermatologist that has completed a coveted one year Mohs College Fellowship in Skin Cancer, Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Reconstruction at the Roger Williams Medical Center in Rhode Island that is part of Boston University.

In addition to this fellowship. she is also an expert in wound healing and has done a one year fellowship in wound healing under the tutelage of one of the world's renown wound healing specialists, Dr. Vincent Falanga, at the Roger Williams Medical Center.

She also has extra training in reconstruction, cosmetic surgery and lasers that she aquired during her one year fellowship at Affiliated Dermatology Cosmetic Surgery Center in Dublin, Ohio under world renown dermatologists Dr. Dwight Scarborough and Dr. Emil Bisaccia.